Stretched Ceilings are insulation Solution ?

The stretch Ceiling membrane System is a natural insulation barrier. It’s probably the way to Insulate Your Home on the Cheap. The stretch ceiling is an additional layer of thermal insulation in your room. This simple insulation solution comes with no maintenance, no nuisance noise, no noise, no smell to be annoying and you don’t have to sacrifice the high of your room and avoid to lower the ceilings. Take advantage of the installation of a stretch ceiling to reinforce your isolation and give comfort to your family.

The plenum created by the space between your original ceiling and the stretch ceiling, has the image of a double-glazed, the ceiling is made airtight to trap the heat and / or the cold for your full year source of comfort.

Transform of the stretched ceiling into a source of thermal comfort, and this is the challenge taken up by Batica-Renov USA. The technical solution implemented with this Stretch Ceiling System can facilitate the implementation your energy saving all thru the years. Batica-Renov USA, is dedicated to the stretched ceiling and at the best modern and design innovation in the construction market field.